Daycare Injuries

Your biggest fear as a parent is the thought of something happening to one of your sweet babies when you are not around. If you suspect your child may be suffering from neglect or abuse in daycare, it is important to investigate, learn the truth, and hold neglectful daycare facilities responsible for the harm. At The Holmes Law Firm, our Daycare Injury Lawyer is also a mom. We understand the rules applicable to South Carolina daycare facilities as well as the industry standards that care providers are expected to meet. We know how to show that the failure to fulfill legal obligations caused harm and we aggressively work to recover full and fair compensation for your babies.

Protecting Your Precious Babies, Aggressively.

South Carolina Daycare Injury Lawyer

As parents, we want the best for our children, and if we could, we would be with them throughout the day. Unfortunately, we also need to work to provide support for our families, so we entrust our children to daycare facilities while we are working.

While many daycare providers are dedicated and caring, they may be overworked and unable to provide proper supervision to all children in their care. And for some daycare providers and facilities, they are often only interested in collecting fees and uninterested in the safety and well-being of the children they are paid to care for. In these environments, children are often subjected to abuse and neglect that can cause lifelong physical, mental, and emotional problems.

Physical abuse involves forceful acts committed against a child’s fragile body. Because their young bodies are still developing, children are extremely vulnerable to long-term harm when force is applied against them. If a daycare provider pushes or drags a child with too much force, the child can suffer lasting injuries. Physical abuse also includes improperly withholding necessities such as food, water, warmth, or sleep as a punishment.

Emotional abuse can be just as harmful as physical abuse. Excessive criticism, humiliation, name-calling, yelling, shaming, or bullying behavior can cause severe damage to a child’s self-esteem and hinder mental and emotional development.

Neglect may be the most common form of daycare abuse. Many children suffer serious injuries in accidents that occur when they are not properly supervised. They also suffer when their care providers fail to provide proper first aid treatment or other needs. Care providers who are negligent may allow one child to bully another or leave a child alone in a dangerous situation.

Let Attorney Brittany Holmes Help Move Your Family Forward After a Daycare Injury.

While you may be uncertain what to do if you suspect your child may be subjected to abuse or neglect in daycare, it is important to avoid unnecessary delays that allow the effects to multiply. Our knowledgeable daycare injury lawyer can advise you about the best steps to protect your child and hold the daycare provider responsible for the harm they have caused.

Your child may require years of physical treatment and mental health care to overcome the harm suffered. This takes a toll on the whole family. We can work to ensure that you receive the resources you need for your future as well as compensation for losses and missed opportunities.

Be sure to contact us today for a free consultation and case evaluation to learn what may be possible in your case and what your next crucial steps should be. While we work to recover monetary compensation for families who have suffered all types of tragic losses that could have been prevented, we also care about you and your unique needs. We want to help you find your child the resources they need to recover and move forward.

You can schedule an appointment online or call us at (843) 593-8183 to get started with a confidential consultation.